
Connect with God | The Church | Your purpose

Acts 2:42-47 displays a powerful picture of the first church living out 7 rhythms of discipleship. The result was the Lord added to the church those who were being saved.

The Rooted Experience lays the foundation for to learn the 7 rhythms and live out the 7 rhythms through individual and group experiences.

Are you new to East Lake? Have you disengaged from community and are ready to engage? You're invited to be a part of the Rooted Experience.

Rooted is a 10-week course and will be offered:

Sundays January 26 - November 3, 2024

1/26 What is Rooted?

2/2 Who is God?

2/9 How does God speak to us?

2/15 Prayer Experience

2/16 Where is God in the midst of suffering?

2/23 There is an enemy.

3/2 How can I make the most of my life? Part 1

3/9 How can I make the most of my life? Part 2

3/16 How does God view money?

3/23 Why and how should I tell others?

3/30 Why is the church important?

Future Offerings

Thursdays April 24 - June 25, 2025